Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Daddy

This is my daddy! I think that we are at a restaraunt but I am not 100% sure.


This is me, a very long time ago. See, now I wear glasses and I have had them for about two years and this picture was taken like three years ago. know it doesn't sound like much but if you look at my appearence from then to now, WOW!!!:O

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Harry in His New Pool!!!:D

Harry loves the water, and we decided to get him a pool. Well when he first went in it he was chasing bubbles and bugs, almost anything that he could find.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fantasy Fish

Once apon a time there was a mother and her daughter who had been working all day so they went to their white board and started drawing sea animals, it turned out to be a sea full of wonderful, colorful fish. The End.
This story is true only me and my mom. LOL

Wet Chico

Harry likes his baths, he likes it when you rub his tummy too. In this picture he doesn't look happy but you just know that he is because he just lovesthat water. He likes to play in it a lot and we want to get him a mini pool.


This is after Harry got his hair cut. now he is the velvatine rabbit, only he is a dog. It is kinda funny how now you can see his skin but before you could only see a bundle of hair.


This is Mr. Harry before his haircut, and he was cute. But now I think he is even cute-r. But that will be however he looks. He looks very confused.

Harry and His New Fish

Harry has a new fish and it makes not just an ordinary sound like a squeeker but like a duck and the best part is that it is a puffer fish.


This is when auntie E said to put our hands up and say YAY!!! So we did and it was pretty funny. While we were at the park we walked out to this island of sand, the water wasn't that deep, and made this big hole but the water kept spilling in and bring more sand with it. We then tried to make barriers but there were to many waves.

Ashlyn and I

This is Ashlyn and I, we were at the park and then auntie E said smile and look cute but then she said hold on and we lost our smiles. Plus it was kinda wet out and I had to role up my shorts because they were sorta long.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Meet Harry!

This is Harry, we got him last night and well he is very playful and likes to follow us around the house. Harry will sleep in the kennel but it takes him a while to stop whining sometimes, Harry has 3 toys that he plays with, (rope, squeaky hoops, and squeaky basketball.) I think that he likes the rope the best, to rap it up I will tell you his birthday and how much he weighs. His birthday is Feruary 7, and he weighs 4 lbs. & 10 oz.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Cutie feet in the hot tub. Me, My mother, and Lauren.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Kayte is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep:

Hi this is Hannah I just wanted to tell Kayte...

Ring ring

Kayte is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep:

Hi this is Hannah again the answering machine ran out of time so I called back to say...

Ring ring

Kayte is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep:

Hi this is Hannah for the third time I was just calling Kayte to tell her that...

Ring ring

Kayte is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep:

I hate your answering machine it is so weird it won't let me say what I want to say, I hate it you should get a new one!!

Monday, February 27, 2006


This is me in Paris.